News, Press Release, Updates 2021

Readywire – Special Class Sponsor

Special Thanks

Gumball India and Wheeling Happiness have already announced two free entries to the 2021 event by crews of specially abled drivers. We are further pleased to announce that Readywire ERP has come forward to support one of the entries with a car to drive during the event and also fuel cost for the competition. We are sure that the team will do full justice to their whole hearted support. A big thank you from Gumball India and Wheeling Happiness.

About Readywire:

A cloud-based ERP system that empowers automobile dealerships with the technology of tomorrow.

Readywire’s robust business management platform leverages industry-leading technology to help streamline all dealership operations into a seamless digital system giving thorough visibility and complete control over the entire business so a dealership can focus on what they do best – sell cars.