News, Press Release, Updates 2021

Event Organiser

Gumball India is happy to announce its collaboration with Motorsports Club of Arunachal for 2021 event.

The club is very active in motorsports and motoring events. They have organised many events in the past and are in forefront of promoting Arunachal Pradesh as discovery destination. Located in Itanagar the club works closely with the government of Arunachal Pradesh.

Gumball India K2K will cover driving 4000 kilometres from Kutch to Kaho with thirty teams of two each.

Koteshwar in Kutch, Gujarat, is the Western most point off India. In the other hand Kaho in Arunachal Pradesh is the first village of India in the East.

The competition is about linking through shortest route between start to finish through done predetermined way points. Constant driving and navigation while finding shortest route requires a high level of endurance.