Category: FAQ’s


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REGULATIONS Vehicles Crews Classes Tech Scrutiny General Rules Format Classification Entry Fees Vehicles Any four wheeler, car or SUV, can be used for participation in Gumball India. To be eligible the vehicle used must meet the following conditions: Valid registration for driving on Indian roads. This includes vehicles imported under carnet for driving in India. ….  Read More


0 commentsFAQ's 20222022checkpointCompetitionGumballGumball IndiaMotoring

Rules It Cannot Be Simpler Once Every Year You start from one place India till you reach the finish after driving humongously across the country. There would be mandatory checkpoints en-route where you need to compulsorily check-in. Continuous driving endurance between the two crew members is essential to finish. Other than that route is free. ….  Read More

Start & Finish Points

0 commentsFAQ's 2021NewsUpdates 2021

Gumball India 2021 is connecting two extreme corners of india going east from the western end. Koteshwar, Kutch District, Gujrat is the western most tip of India and beyond that are waters of the Arabian Sea and Sir Creek that form the border between India and Pakistan. Koteshwar, a small fishing community, is place of ….  Read More

What accommodation will be provided?

0 commentsFAQ's 2021

All entrants would be provided accommodation at the following locations  This is included in the subscription fee.: START One night hotel stay would be given to all participants for the night prior to start. REGROUP A hotel room for each crew will be provided at the mandatory rest and regroup halt. FINISH Village stay with ….  Read More

Route for Gumball India 2021

0 commentsFAQ's 2021

GUMBALL INDIA 2021 has no fixed route. Participating crews can take any route from start to finish as long as they check-in at the all the intermediate checkpoints. The crews will have to navigate intelligently to avoid traffic jams areas and yet keep their distance to minimum to reach the end. All stoppages – what ….  Read More

How will we get intermediate and final results?

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There is no intermediate results. All participants, and their supporters back home, will be able to track all crews on tracking map online. The crews can take help and form strategy using help from supporters sitting remotely to decide on more or less favourable route and upcoming traffic congestions. Individual final results would be given ….  Read More

Which vehicle you recommend?

0 commentsFAQ's 2020FAQ's 2021

The organisers do not recommend any particular type or class of vehicle. IN general it is recommended to drive any vehicle which the crew is familiar with and is able to drive for extended periods of time. It is expected that crew will encounter long periods of endurance drive.